Monday, October 3, 2011

Occupy Seattle Day 3

This sums it up

Occupy Seattle has been camped out in the square in front of Westlake Center for 2 nights now. I saw the above sign today and thought it pretty neatly summed up why resistance is beginning to flower now. The encampment currently consists of about 20 tents (equating, I think, to 30-50 occupiers). It is worth noting that of the people I saw, there appeared to be a pretty wide range of ages, social backgrounds, and political viewpoints. This is a lot broader than just "recent college graduates that are unemployed". Also, it is worth noting that most of the establishment media are talking about how these gatherings are insignificant and nobody seems to care about them. Well, if that's so, then why is everybody talking about it (not least the mainstream media who are so dismissive of it)?

The number one thing that is needed is more occupiers. If people can't do that, everybody is welcome at the general assemblies (occurring about 5:30-6:00 PM daily) and there is a donation box for financial contributions.

Also, on the UW campus, I saw a group promoting Occupy Wall Street in Red Square, but I didn't stop to talk to them.

Occupy Wall Street has published a Declaration; note that it is not a list of demands. The point of this resistance is not to ask the political-financial system for a redress of grievances; it is to point out the basic illegitimacy of said political-financial system. Since the system is illegitimate, it needs to be removed or radically reformed, not negotiated with (unless the negotiations are about how it will be removing itself from ill-gotten power).

Occupy Seattle Day 3 Tents

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